Meet Dr. Hiteshini Jugessur, a rare combination of a committed scientist, social activist, teacher of yoga & meditation, and President of Art of Living Canada. Early on in her profession she chose to abandon comfort and prestige to dedicate herself to humanitarian service with an aim of bringing comfort, solace and healing to those in need. With her Ph.D. in Surgical Research from McGill University and a keen interest in meditation and yoga, she pursued an interest in alternative forms of healing. Hiteshini was particularly drawn to the powerful techniques offered by the Art of Living. She has since become an acclaimed international teacher for the Art of Living Foundation.
- Highly sought-after facilitator with the Art of Living Foundation (AOLF) since 2001, Hiteshini has been instrumental in travelling across North America & Africa, teaching and initiating development projects in a wide-range of settings
- As a multi-faceted individual, Hiteshini teaches a spectrum of courses including: the Happiness Program, Silence Retreats, School-based Programs, Trauma Relief & Prison Inmate Programs and Seminars for Government Officials
- As an influential leader in the field of personal development and spirituality, Hiteshini uses her dynamic leadership skills, knowledge and multi-cultural experiences to facilitate teacher training programs for aspiring AOLF instructors
- Art of Living’s peace-building initiatives inspired Hiteshini to work with First Nations Communities of Canada; in 2008 she escorted a delegation of inspired leaders from the Atikamekw Nation to an International Indigenous Conference in India
- Hiteshini’s strength, calmness & compassion provides a powerful and unique approach to facilitate Project Welcome Home Troops, a highly specialized program for veterans suffering from PTSD in the Armed Forces.
- Hiteshini’s dedication to inculcating human values continues in Mauritius where she was born. She has provided transformational AOLF courses within prisons, school districts & offered a multitude of stressmanagement seminars to community leaders. She has also led de-addiction programs to those suffering from alcohol & drug dependency.
- Since 2010, she has taught in diverse cultural settings across Africa in countries such as: Cameroon, Tchad, Sudan, Botswana, South Africa, Mozambique, Rwanda, Ghana, Togo, Mauritius, Reunion Island & Gabon.
- In 2016 & 2017 she travelled to Zimbabwe & Ethiopia for the ‘I Meditate Africa’ campaign to promote peace in Africa
- Hiteshini is frequently interviewed by various media outlets in Canada and overseas to discuss AOLFprograms. Most recently she was interviewed by: CNBC Africa, MBC in Mauritius, News Day TV3 in
- Ghana, TVS in Gabon.